There is little in the Church that quite resembles a choir. Whereas there are times when folks are rightly separated because of age, gender, marital status, church membership, etc., that does not exist when it comes to the choir. All are welcome and all contribute to doing something beautiful to honor our great God. We seek to lift Him up and draw attention to Him when we bring our offering to a worship service.
The Old Testament Psalmists tell us repeatedly to sing to the Lord, to praise Him, and to glory in His holy name (Psalms 30, 33, 66, 95, 98, 100, 105, 126, 149, 150, etc.). The choir, in response to these admonitions, seeks to do so by contributing to the morning worship services at Trinity one or two times each month. Additionally, the choir participates in special services throughout the year such as Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols services.
The choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30 PM. We take off one Thursday per month so each one can catch his or her breath. The group also enjoys summers free of rehearsal obligations.
Maybe this is the year for you to join our numbers. As usual, we are particularly in need of men, though more sopranos and altos are absolutely encouraged to join us. How wonderful it would be to have 12 to 15 singers in the choir!
If you want to participate or have more information about our choir, contact David or Eleanor Shockey ( or Tadako Gallione (