Kids Club

What is Kids Club?

Kids Club is a Christ-centered children’s ministry for kindergarten through 5th graders.  Bible study, Scripture memory, life skills development, and relational discipleship are the emphasis of the program.

The children earn badges through participating in activity based lessons on a variety of Bible topics, skills, and recreational games.

The three curriculum goals are:

1. To enable children to come to know Jesus Christ and to know His Word.
2. To enable children to form healthy relationships.
3. To enable each child to grow as a whole person.



When is Kids Club?

Kids Club meets Friday evenings from October through April, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. There is a yearly activities fee of $35. (Please talk with the Kids Club leader, Linda Tilton, if this is a financial burden.)

How you can help.

The children enjoy hearing about hobbies and skills from others in our church family. If you have a talent or interest that you would be willing to share with the children at Kids Club please speak with Linda Tilton or Jessie Ramsdell.

In past years Trinity members have shared fire safety, birding, woodworking, leaf rubbing, acting, and cookie decorating, to name a few. This year’s skill theme titles are: Painting, Camping, Candle, Making, Rock Exploration, Secret Codes, and prepping for our annual Pine Derby.