Pioneer Club Picnic & Pinewood Derby

Every Friday until April 17, 2020

6:00pm – 8:00pm

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Come One, Come All!

Our Pioneer Club Hot Dog Picnic & Pinecar Derby is for everyone! 

You are invited to come to Trinity Church on Friday, April 17 as we close out our Pioneer Club year. Come for the hotdog picnic and stay for the closing program and the derby! Come to meet and welcome the families of the kids who attended Pioneer Club this year.

Starting at 6 p.m. we will have grilled hotdogs and tasty side dishes out on the church lawn. (Bring a blanket or a lawn chair and a side or dessert to share, if possible.) Then at 7:00 p.m. we will go to the Social Hall for our Closing Program as well as for a fun time cheering the kids, both the young ones and the old(er) ones, in our 6th annual Pinecar Derby. We have trophies for the fastest car and the best car design. 

If you can't make the Picnic, come to the Closing Program and Derby anyway. It is always a fun time and a good show!

NOTE:  We have TWO race cycles: one for the Pioneer Club kids and one for ANYBODY. If you would like to race your pinecar, please let Kathleen Venter know!